
AbstractType I collagen fibrillogenesis in vitro has been studied by laser light scattering, and the results indicate that initiation of aggregation involves at least two steps. Step I of aggregation involves no change in the intensity of scattered light at an angle of 90° and is accompanied by a decrease in the diffusion coefficient. Step II is characterized by an increased intensity of scattered light and decreased diffusion coefficients. Theoretical calculations using the Stokes‐Einstein equation for the translational diffusion coefficient and the Perrin equation for the frictional coefficient of a prolate ellipsoid indicate that the step I aggregates are 4D staggered linear dimers and trimers 570 and 845 nm long, whereas step II aggregates are greater than 950 nm in length. These dimensions are similar to those previously reported based on physicochemical measurements and electron microscopy. It is proposed that the rate and extent of fibrillogenesis in vitro is controlled by the concentration of the linear aggregates and that the effects of temperature and collagen concentration on fibrillogenesis previously observed are qualitatively explained in terms of their effects on the concentration of these aggregates.

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