
We study the double-copy relation between classical solutions in gauge theory and gravity, focusing on four-dimensional vacuum metrics of algebraic type D, a class that includes several important solutions. We present a double copy of curvatures that applies to all spacetimes of this type—the Weyl double copy—relating the curvature of the spacetime to an electromagnetic field strength. We show that the Weyl double copy is consistent with the previously known Kerr–Schild double copy, and in fact resolves certain ambiguities of the latter. The most interesting new example of the classical double copy presented here is that of the C-metric. This well-known solution, which represents a pair of uniformly accelerated black holes, is mapped to the Liénard–Wiechert potential for a pair of uniformly accelerated charges. We also present a new double-copy interpretation of the Eguchi–Hanson instanton.

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