
The article examines the problem of motivation at the stage of corporate training and advanced training for the development of two-way engagement between employee and employer. The author points out that involvement required from two sides: on behalf of the employee to become more successful, to obtain a result that is objectively measured criteria - the level of wages or the receipt of financial incentives. Involvement on behalf of employer is searching of specific methods and tools, which together will lead to effective motivation of the employee. As the successful operation of such models in the field of material employees' remuneration the article considers foreign experience. Objective criterion - the comparison of wages of foreign countries and Russia allows to make a conclusion that Russia occupies a low position on the level of wages and material incentives is rarely used and is not flexible. In practice, the employer focused on the minimum wage, leaving the incentive part of the wages at their discretion. Thus, developing mechanisms using a model material incentives, the employer motivates employees and potential who have trained for involvement in the work and labour efficiency.

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