
We present D = 3 and D = 4 world-line models for massive particles moving in a new type of enlarged spacetime, with D−1 additional vector coordinates, which after quantization lead to towers of massive higher spin (HS) free fields. Two classically equivalent formulations are presented: one with a hybrid spacetime/bispinor variables and a second described by a free two-twistor dynamics with constraints. After first quantization in the D = 3 and D = 4 cases, the wave functions satisfying a massive version of Vasiliev’s free unfolded equations are given as functions on the SL(2, ℝ) and SL(2, ℂ) group manifolds respectively, which describe arbitrary on-shell momenta and spin degrees of freedom. Further we comment on the D = 6 case, and possible supersymmetric extensions are mentioned as well. Finally, the description of interactions and the AdS/CFT duality are briefly considered for massive HS fields.

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