
Psychophysical measurement of two-tone masking [E. Zwicker, Acustica 4, 415-420 (1954)] were obtained at signal frequencies of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz with seven masker separations tested at each signal frequency while utilizing a masker level of 62 dB SPL/ tone. Fifty-eight subjects were tested using a single run of a 4I-4AFC adaptive procedure for each condition. Although there were large individual differences, the average data were quite systematic. An objective technique (based on fitting two line segments to the data) was used to estimate critical bandwidths and values similar to those reported by others were obtained. These data and those of others will be discussed in terms of the effects of signal type (narrow-band noise versus tone) and masker level. A substantial increase in critical-bandwidth estimates is observed at high masker levels and may be accounted for by (a) the masking patterns produced by the individual tones of the two-tone complex, and (b) the removal of cues produced by aural nonlinearities. [Work supported by NIH.]

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