
This paper presents a two-step procedure to enable residential Demand Response (DR) programs in the Multi-Carrier Energy Systems (MCES), including a combined heat and power generation, renewable resources, a boiler, and energy storage systems. In the first step, an optimization problem is solved to determine the optimal energy cost for each customer. In the second step, the system operator (SO) minimizes the summation of the total loss cost of the electrical distribution system and a designed motivational payment, subject to various operational constraints of the MCES. The motivational payment is the function of deviation of the resulted energy cost of a home in the second step from the desired cost obtained in the first step. The main idea of the proposed procedure is to consider the concerns of customers and the operator, simultaneously. This paper also addresses the uncertainties in renewable resources generation. The proposed procedure is simulated on a test energy system for various cases. The results show that as the level of customer participation in the proposed program is increased, the technical aspects of the integrated energy system are improved. In addition, the customers' costs are decreased by participation in the proposed program.

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