
Recently, multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy has been developed that offers important advantages over confocal imaging, particularly for in vivo visualization of thick tissue samples. We used this state-of-the-art technique to capture high-quality images and study the function of otherwise inaccessible cell types and complex cell structures of the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) in living preparations of the kidney. This structure has multiple cell types that exhibit a complex array of functions, which regulate the process of filtrate formation and renal hemodynamics. We report, for the first time, on high-resolution three-dimensional morphology and Z-sectioning through isolated, perfused kidney glomeruli, tubules, and JGA. Time-series images show how alterations in tubular fluid composition cause striking changes in single-cell volume of the unique macula densa tubular epithelium in situ and how they also affect glomerular filtration through alterations in associated structures within the JGA. In addition, calcium imaging of the glomerulus and JGA demonstrates the utility of this system in capturing the complexity of events and effects that are exerted by the specific hypertensive autacoid angiotensin II. This imaging approach to the study of isolated, perfused live tissue with multiphoton microscopy may be applied to other biological systems in which multiple cell types form a functionally integrated syncytium.

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