
We consider the family of planar discontinuous piecewise linear systems in two regions with a straight line as boundary and one tangency point in each region. First, we recall a seven-parametric canonical form for such a family. Next, we select two parameters as bifurcation parameters. One of them represents the distance between the tangency points. It is known that this bifurcation parameter unfolds the called pseudo-Hopf bifurcation. The coefficient that determines the stability of the crossing limit cycle that emerges from this bifurcation mechanism, called the first Lyapunov coefficient, is considered our second bifurcation parameter. Finally, with these two bifurcation parameters, we give a two-parametric unfolding for the invisible fold-fold and focus-fold singularities. The bifurcation diagram for each unfolding consists of two curves of bifurcation points: a curve of pseudo-Hopf bifurcation points and a curve of saddle-node bifurcation points for crossing limit cycles. We call this phenomenon the pseudo-Bautin (pB) bifurcation because of the dynamical behavior that is same as the Bautin bifurcation for smooth dynamical systems.

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