
Cross sections for (p,t) and (t ,p) reactions near neutron-shell closures depend sensitively on the amount of intruder configuration in the relevant states. For several nuclei in the “island of inversion,” I present calculated cross section ratios for the first two 0+ states as functions of the intruder-normal-state mixing. Disciplines Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics Comments Fortune, H. T. (2012). Two-neutron transfer in the “island of inversion.” Physical Review C, 85(6), 064615. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.064615 © 2012 American Physical Society This journal article is available at ScholarlyCommons: http://repository.upenn.edu/physics_papers/246 PHYSICAL REVIEW C 85, 064615 (2012) Two-neutron transfer in the “island of inversion” H. T. Fortune Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA (Received 24 January 2012; published 22 June 2012) Cross sections for (p,t) and (t ,p) reactions near neutron-shell closures depend sensitively on the amount of intruder configuration in the relevant states. For several nuclei in the “island of inversion,” I present calculated cross section ratios for the first two 0+ states as functions of the intruder-normal-state mixing. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.064615 PACS number(s): 25.60.−t, 25.55.Hp, 21.60.Cs, 27.30.+t

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