
The propagation of a transient electromagnetic pulse over irregular terrain is considered. We model the wave propagation using the parabolic wave equation, which is valid for near-horizontal propagation. We model the effect of scattering from the rough terrain by introducing a surface-flattening coordinate transform. This coordinate transform simplifies the boundary condition of our problem, and introduces an effective refractive index into our wave equation. As a result, the problem of propagation over an irregular surface becomes equivalent to the problem of propagation through random media. The parabolic equation is solved analytically using the path integral method. Both vertically polarized and horizontally polarized signals are treated. Cumulant expansion is introduced to obtain an approximate expression for the two-frequency mutual coherence function. From the mutual coherence function, spatial and temporal dependence of the propagating signal can be determined. It can be shown that scattering from the irregular surface can cause broadening of the transient signal. This can have a significant impact on the performance of radio communication systems.

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