
We present an overview of the most relevant, and sometimes contrasting, theoretical approaches to Rayleigh–Taylor and mean-gradient-forced Rayleigh–Bénard two-dimensional turbulence together with numerical and experimental evidences for their support. The main aim of this overview is to emphasize that, despite the different character of these two systems, especially in relation to their steadiness/unsteadiness, turbulent fluctuations are well described by the same scaling relationships originated from the Bolgiano balance. The latter states that inertial terms and buoyancy terms balance at small scales giving rise to an inverse kinetic energy cascade. The main difference with respect to the inverse energy cascade in hydrodynamic turbulence [R. H. Kraichnan, “Inertial ranges in two-dimensional turbulence,” Phys. Fluids 10, 1417 (1967)] is that the rate of cascade of kinetic energy here is not constant along the inertial range of scales. Thanks to the absence of physical boundaries, the two systems here investigated turned out to be a natural physical realization of the Kraichnan scaling regime hitherto associated with the elusive “ultimate state of thermal convection” [R. H. Kraichnan, “Turbulent thermal convection at arbitrary Prandtl number,” Phys. Fluids 5, 1374–1389 (1962)].

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