
We report numerical computations of decaying two-dimensional Navier--Stokes turbulence inside a circular rigid boundary. We summarize previously reported calculations involving no-slip boundary conditions and present results with higher spatial resolution than achieved before (with, however, no qualitative changes in the observed behavior). We then report new results with stress-free boundary conditions (for a viscous fluid, but bounded by a perfectly slippery wall). The method used is spectral, involving expansions of the fields in orthonormal sets of functions which obey two boundary conditions (circular analogues of the Chandrasekhar–Reid functions). The computation takes place entirely in the spectral space. Large-scale Reynolds numbers are typically less than a thousand. Interest focuses on the role played by angular momentum, in determining the decay of the turbulence with no-slip boundary conditions, and the role of possible other ideal invariants in the stress-free case.

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