
The relative equilibria of a two spacecraft tether formation connected by line-of-sight elastic forces moving in the context of a restricted two-body system and a circularly restricted three-body system are investigated. For a two spacecraft formation moving in a central gravitational field, a common assumption is that the center of the circular orbit is located at the primary mass and the center of mass of the formation orbits around the primary in a great-circle orbit. The relative equilibrium is called great-circle if the center of mass of the formation moves on the plane with the center of the gravitational field residing on it; otherwise, it is called a nongreat-circle orbit. Previous research shows that nongreat-circle equilibria in low Earth orbits exhibit a deflection of about a degree from the great-circle equilibria when spacecraft with unequal masses are separated by 350 km. This paper studies these equilibria (radial, along-track and orbit-normal in circular Earth orbit and Earth–Moon Libration points) for a range of inter-craft distances and semi-major axes of the formation center of mass. In the context of a two-spacecraft Coulomb formation with separation distances on the order of dozens of meters, this paper shows that the equilibria deflections are negligible (less than 10 −6°) even for very heterogeneous mass distributions. Furthermore, the nongreat-circle equilibria conditions for a two spacecraft tether structure at the Lagrangian libration points are developed.

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