
Given a set S of starting vertices and a set T of terminating vertices in a graph G = (V,E) with non-negative weights on edges, the minimum Steiner network problem is to find a subgraph of G with the minimum total edge weight. In such a subgraph, we require that for each vertex s $${\in}$$ S and t $${\in}$$ T, there is a path from s to a terminating vertex as well as a path from a starting vertex to t. This problem can easily be proven NP-hard. For solving the minimum Steiner network problem, we first present an algorithm that runs in time and space that both are polynomial in n with constant degrees, but exponential in |S|+|T|, where n is the number of vertices in G. Then we present an algorithm that uses space that is quadratic in n and runs in time that is polynomial in n with a degree O(max {max {|S|,|T|}−2,min {|S|,|T|}−1}). In spite of this degree, we prove that the number of Steiner vertices in our solution can be as large as |S|+|T|−2. Our algorithm can enumerate all possible optimal solutions. The input graph G can either be undirected or directed acyclic. We also give a linear time algorithm for the special case when min {|S|,|T|} = 1 and max {|S|,|T|} = 2. The minimum union paths problem is similar to the minimum Steiner network problem except that we are given a set H of hitting vertices in G in addition to the sets of starting and terminating vertices. We want to find a subgraph of G with the minimum total edge weight such that the conditions required by the minimum Steiner network problem are satisfied as well as the condition that every hitting vertex is on a path from a starting vertex to a terminating vertex. Furthermore, G must be directed acyclic. For solving the minimum union paths problem, we also present algorithms that have a time and space tradeoff similar to algorithms for the minimum Steiner network problem. We also give a linear time algorithm for the special case when |S| = 1, |T| = 1 and |H| = 2.

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