
Abstract Using NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data, the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) over the mid-high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere during austral summer is studied. Two types of 10–30-day eastward- and westward-propagating ISO at mid-high latitudes are extracted by extended empirical orthogonal functions. The analysis of wave activity flux reveals that the energy sources of the eastward-propagating wave train are in the southwest Pacific and southern Indian Ocean, and the westward-propagating wave train is over the east coast of South America. The diagnosis of geopotential height tendency shows that the zonal gradient of ISO relative vorticity guided by mean zonal wind plays a major role in the eastward propagation of the wave train, while the meridional gradient of mean relative vorticity and geostrophic vorticity guided by ISO meridional wind plays a major role in the westward propagation of the wave train. Energy analysis shows that the amplitude enhancement over the South Pacific is due to the ISO disturbance gaining energy from the mean flow. The eastward-propagating ISO obtains energy from the mean flow through kinetic and potential energy conversion, while the westward-propagating ISO cannot obtain energy through potential energy conversion. The surface air temperature and precipitation in South America are affected by the circulation and propagation corresponding to both types of ISO. The useful forecasting skills by the subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasting project for eastward- and westward-propagating types can reach to 17 days, while the potential forecasting skills improve to 20 and 19 days, respectively. Significance Statement The intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) has important effects on regional weather and climate, and we focus on the ISO over mid-high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, which has been paid little attention. We reveal two leading types of the mid-high-latitude ISO during austral summer, namely, the eastward- and westward-propagating types. Also, the characteristics and effects of the two types are explored. To understand their dynamical process, the geopotential height tendency and energy conversion are diagnosed. It is also found that the two ISO types can be predicted up to 17 days in advance by the subseasonal-to-seasonal project, which may provide guidance for the extended-range forecasts.

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