
These talks present an overview of a tentative theory of large distance physics. For each large distance L (in dimensionless units), the theory gives two complementary descriptions of spacetime physics: quantum field theory at distances larger than L, string scattering amplitudes at distances smaller than L. The mechanism of the theory is a certain 2d nonlinear model, the λ-model, whose target manifold is the manifold of general nonlinear models of the worldsurface, the background spacetimes for string scattering. So far, the theory has only been formulated and its basic working described, in general terms. The theory’s only claims to interest at present are matters of general principle. It is a self-contained non- perturbative theory of large distance physics, operating entirely at large distance. The λ-model constructs an actual QFT at large distance, a functional integral over spacetime fields. It constructs an effective background spacetime for string scattering at relatively small distances. It is background independent, dynamically. Nothing is adjustable in its formulation. It is a mechanical theory, not an S-matrix theory. String scattering takes place at small distances within a mechanical large distance environment. The λ-model constructs QFT in a way that offers possibilities of novel physical phenomena at large distances. The task now is to perform concrete calculations in the λ-model, to find out if it produces a physically useful QFT.KeywordsRenormalization GroupWave ModeBackground SpacetimeTarget ManifoldSpacetime PhysicThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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