
We use detailed radiative transfer models to investigate the differences between the star-obvious low-level elongated proto-planetary nebulae (SOLE PPNs) and dust-prominent longitudinally extended proto-planetary nebulae (DUPLEX PPNs), which are two subclasses of PPNs suggested by Ueta, Meixner, & Bobrowsky. We select one SOLE PPN, HD 161796, and one DUPLEX PPN, IRAS 17150-3224, both of which are well studied and representative of their PPN classes. Using an axisymmetric dust shell radiative transfer code, we model these two sources in detail and constrain their mass-loss histories, inclination angles, and dust composition. The physical parameters derived for HD 161796 and IRAS 17150-3224 demonstrate that they are physically quite different and that their observed differences cannot be attributed to inclination-angle effects. Both HD 161796 and IRAS 17150-3224 are viewed nearly edge-on. However, the more intensive axisymmetric superwind mass loss experienced by IRAS 17150-3224 (8.5 × 10-3 M☉ yr-1 and an equator/pole = 160) has created a high optical depth dust torus (AV = 37) that obscures its central star. In contrast, HD 161796, which underwent a lower rate superwind ( = 1.2 × 10-4 M☉ yr-1 and an equator/pole = 9), has an optically thinner dust shell that allows the penetration of direct starlight. Based on our analysis of the dust composition, which is constrained by dust optical constants derived from laboratory measurements, both objects contain oxygen-rich dust, mainly amorphous silicates, but with some significant differences. IRAS 17150-3224 contains only amorphous silicates with sizes ranging from 0.001 to larger than ~200 μm. HD 161796 contains amorphous silicates, crystalline silicates (enstatite and forsterite), and crystalline water ice with sizes ranging from 0.2 to larger than ~10 μm. If these calculations reflect a more general truth about SOLE versus DUPLEX PPNs, then these two subclasses of PPNs are physically distinct, with the SOLE PPNs derived from low-mass progenitors and DUPLEX PPNs derived from high-mass progenitors.

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