
Asialoerythropoietin (asialo-EPO) is a desialylated form of human glycoprotein hormone erythropoietin (EPO), which has been reported to be neuro-, cardio-, and renoprotective in animal models of organ injuries. Since the current method of production of asialo-EPO from mammalian cell-made recombinant human EPO (rhuEPOM) by enzymatic desialylation is not commercially viable, we and others used plant-based expression systems to produce recombinant human asialo-EPO (asialo-rhuEPOP). Despite achieving high expression levels in plants, its purification from plant extracts has remained a greater challenge, which has prevented studying its tissue-protective effects and translating it into clinical practice. In this study, a procedure was developed to purify asialo-rhuEPOP from transgenic tobacco leaf tissues in two steps: ion-exchange chromatography based on its high pI (8.75) to separate it from acidic plant proteins, and immunoaffinity chromatography to obtain pure asialo-rhuEPOP. Using this process, up to 31% of the asialo-rhuEPOP could be recovered to near homogeneity from plant extracts. This work demonstrates that asialo-rhuEPOP expressed in tobacco plants could be purified in high yield and purity using minimal steps, which might be suitable for scale-up. Furthermore, the ion-exchange chromatography step together with the use of protein-specific antibody column could be used to purify a wide variety of basic recombinant proteins from transgenic leaf tissues.

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