
We have further extended the two-step approach developed by Chung and Chew [N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew, Phys. Rev. A 76, 032113 (2007)] to the solution of the quantum dynamics of general systems of $N$-coupled anharmonic oscillators. The idea is to employ an optimized basis set to represent the dynamical quantum states of these oscillator systems. The set is generated via the action of the optimized Bogoliubov transformed bosonic operators on the optimal squeezed vacuum product state. The procedure requires (i) applying the two-step approach to the eigendecomposition of the time evolution operator and (ii) transforming the representation of the initial state from the original to the optimal bases. We have applied the formalism to examine the dynamics of squeezing and entanglement of several anharmonic oscillator systems.

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