
Pegmatite fields within granite plutons are commonly considered to have formed from residual melts of their host. This is not always true as demonstrated by the Tysfjord granite gneiss and its two groups of pegmatites. The Tysfjord granite gneiss, exposed in a tectonic window of the Caledonides of northern Norway, is part of the transscandinavian igneous belt (TIB) that includes several phases of granitic magmatism. In the northern Hamarøy area (Drag-Finnøy), where most rare-element pegmatites occur, Paleoproterozoic and metamorphosed Group 1 allanite–(Ce)–fluorite metapegmatites have similar bulk rock chemical composition as the TIB granite gneiss rocks, indicating that these pegmatites are residual melts. Group 1 metapegmatites, which are up to 400 m in size, are among the largest known intra-plutonic pegmatites with Nb–Y–F (NYF) signature. The formation of these unusually large granite-hosted NYF pegmatites may have been facilitated by the overall high F content of TIB granite gneisses. Undeformed Group 2 amazonite–tourmaline pegmatites yield columbite and zircon U–Pb ages in the range 400–379 Ma. These pegmatites are interpreted to be anatectic melts that formed from the partial melting of Tysfjord granite gneiss. Group 2 pegmatites, including those from Træna Island and the Sjona tectonic window (400 and 414 Ma), formed during late Caledonian ductile shearing and incipient unroofing of the central Scandinavian Caledonides and record progressively younger ages of this event from SW to NE.


  • Granites in orogenic and anorogenic settings are often spatially associated with pegmatites that may be enriched in incompatible elements

  • We demonstrate that the two groups of pegmatites have different ages, i.e., Paleoproterozoic and Paleozoic, respectively, and are related to late Svecofennian and late Caledonian orogenic processes

  • The REE patterns show a strong enrichment of LREE relative to HREE and a moderate negative Eu anomaly, which is more pronounced in the transscandinavian igneous belt (TIB)-2 than in TIB-1

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Granites in orogenic and anorogenic settings are often spatially associated with pegmatites that may be enriched in incompatible elements Based on this spatial relation, pegmatites are commonly interpreted to have formed from. The Paleoproterozoic granites of the Tysfjord–Hamarøy area in north Norway host a suite of pegmatites that traditionally have been interpreted as a typical example of pegmatites being fractionated derivatives of their granitic host. There are two generations of pegmatites emplaced in the Paleoproterozoic Tysfjord granite gneiss (Husdal 2008) Both pegmatite generations show similar mineralogy, the older generation of pegmatites is strongly deformed (sheared and recrystallized and referred to as metapegmatites in the following), whereas the younger generation does not show particular signs of deformation and metamorphic overprint. A systematically geochronological study is required to explore the possibility that there might be two pegmatite-forming events

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