
We use earthquake geothermometry, measured heat flow, and structural constraints from P-wave receiver functions to model the thermal evolution of the lithosphere beneath Harrat Lunayyir. We suggest that the lithosphere thinned to its present 60-km thickness in a second stage of lithospheric thinning at 15–12 Ma following initial Red Sea extension at ∼27 Ma. Harrat Lunayyir is an active volcanic field located in the Arabian Shield >150 km east of the Red Sea rift axis. In the lithospheric mantle beneath Harrat Lunayyir we locate 64 high-frequency earthquakes at depths of 42–48 km, all with mL≤2.5. These brittle-failure earthquakes must have nucleated at relatively low temperatures, based upon global maximum nucleation depths and temperature-dependent-deformation experimental results. Therefore, the mantle earthquakes show that the upper mantle lithosphere is not in thermal equilibrium with the shallow (60 km) underlying asthenosphere. Our thermal modeling indicates that the lithosphere beneath Harrat Lunayyir thinned to its current 60-km thickness at 12 ± 2 Ma, as constrained by thermal modeling of: (1) surface heat-flow; (2) the depth to the mid-crustal brittle–ductile transition, and (3) the depth to the upper-mantle brittle–ductile transition.

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