
A channel scheduling problem for a given graph G(V,E) is to select a subset E′ of edges of E and assign channel to each one in E′ under the restriction that all edges of E′ are interference free. We introduce the notion of two sides approximation for the channel scheduling problem. A pair of parameters (f,g) controls the accuracy of approximation in this paper. A (f,g)-approximation satisfies \(\sum_{e\in E'}W(e)\ge{\sum_{e\in Opt}W(e)\over f}\) and \(\sum_{e\in E-E'}W(e)\le g\sum_{e\in E- Opt^*}W(e)\), where Opt * is the set of edges assigned channels in an optimal solution, and W(e) is the weight of edge e. An f-approximation satisfies \(\sum_{e\in E'}W(e)\ge{\sum_{e\in Opt}W(e)\over f}\). We show that a simple greedy algorithm can obtain an (O(1), O(1))-approximation for the single channel scheduling problem. In many cases, the greedy algorithms gives much more accurate result than the worst ratio. Furthermore, we develop an \(|E|^{O({1\over \epsilon})}\) time (1 − ε, O(1))-approximation algorithm for the single channel scheduling problem. We also show that a simple greedy algorithm can obtain an O(1)-approximation for the multi-channel scheduling problem which satisfies \(\sum_{e\in E'}W(e)\ge{\sum_{e\in Opt}W(e)\over \Omega(1)}\). We also develop a \(|E|^{O({d\over \epsilon})}\) time (1 − ε)-approximation algorithm the multi-channel scheduling problem, where d is the number of channels. This improves the existing approximation scheme for multi-channel scheduling problem with \(|E|^{O({d\over \epsilon^2})}\) time by Cheng et al. We also develop a polynomial time constant factor greedy approximation algorithm for the multi-channel scheduling that allows variate radii of interference among those nodes.

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