
We have exploited the capability of the differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR) technique, referred to as Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) approach, to analyse surface deformation at two distinct spatial scales: a low resolution, large scale, and a fine resolution, local scale. At the large scale, the technique investigates DInSAR data with a ground resolution of the order of 100 m×100 m and leads to generate mean deformation velocity maps and associated time series for areas extending to some thousands of square kilometres. At the local scale, the technique exploits the SAR images at full spatial resolution (typically of the order of 5 m×20 m), detecting and analysing localized deformation phenomena. The study is focused on the city of Rome, Italy, and we used the ERS‐1/2 satellite radar data relevant to the 1995–2000 time period. The presented results demonstrate the capability of the SBAS approach to retrieve, from the low‐resolution DInSAR data, large‐scale deformation information leading to identify several sites affected by significant displacements. Our analysis permitted us to conclude that a major contribution to the detected displacements is due to the consolidation of the alluvial soils present in the area, mostly enforced by the buildings' overload. Furthermore, in a selected area, a detailed analysis was carried out by exploiting the full resolution DInSAR data. In this case we investigated deformation phenomena at the scale of single buildings. As key result we showed that differential displacements of few mm a−1, affecting single man‐made structures or building complexes, could be detected, thus allowing to identify sites that may potentially be involved in critical situations.

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