
Two-process random textures seem to present better functional properties than one-process surfaces. There are many random two-process textures. Plateau-honed cylinder surfaces are the most popular example. Two-process surfaces are also created during the initial periods of life of machined elements. However, knowledge about two-process textures measurement, modeling, and behavior is low. Two-process surfaces are very sensitive to measurement errors. It is very difficult to model them. Special methods of their characterization were created. Their functional significance was studied in a small number of publications. In this paper, measurement, characterization, and modeling of two-process textures were presented. The functional impact of them was analyzed, the effects on contact mechanics and friction and wear were mainly studied. Finally, considerations of future challenges were addressed. The nature of two-process random textures should be taken into account during analyses of properties of machined elements. The plateau part decides about the asperity contact, and the valley portion governs the hydrodynamic lubrication.


  • Campbell [14] revealed in theoretical investigations that obtaining the same material ratio during volumetric wear of a two-process surfaces would be smaller than that ofduring one-process surface by the samewould roughness height

  • Seal surfaces and surfaces formed in additive processes are other examples; The two-process surface consists of two parts: plateau and valley

  • The modeling of two-process surfaces is helpful during analysis; Two-process surfaces are sensitive to errors of measurement, especially the mechanical filtration of the stylus tip, the presence of non-measured points, the effect of sampling interval, and quantization error; Improper filtration causes distortion of two-process surfaces

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Campbell [14] revealed in theoretical investigations that obtaining the same material ratio during volumetric wear of a two-process surfaces would be smaller than that ofduring one-process surface by the samewould roughness height. ThetoPv parameter describes the smaller that running-in of the one-process profile Aw. surface It is related a smaller wear and quicker area under the material ratio curveThe [16].PvOne can see that assuming the same volrunning-in of profile the two-process surface. Parameters developed domprediction two-process texture characterization is its partition intoNext, plateau and valley parts It specially to two-process description will topics be presented. Summarizing, structure (measurement errors, specific parameters, simulation andthe impact (conof this paper is as follows: and characterization of two-process surfaces tact mechanics, friction and measurement wear). (measurement errors, specific parameters, characterization), simulation and impact (contact mechanics, frictionand andCharacterization wear)

Specific Parameters
12. Color-code
Simulation of Two-Process Random Textures
Contact Mechanics
16. Cumulative
Friction and Wear
21. Friction coefficient a function of load a rotational speed of 4000
Conclusions and Perspectives
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