
Primitive basalts are rarely found in arcs.The active NWRota-1 volcano in the Mariana arc has erupted near-primitive lavas, which we have sampled with ROV Hyper-Dolphin (HPD). Samples from the summit (HPD480) and eastern flank (HPD488) include 17 magnesian basalts (51^52 wt % SiO2) with 7·5^9·5 wt % MgO and Mg-number of 61^67, indicating little fractionation. Olivine phenocrysts are as magnesian as Fo93 and contain 0·4 wt % NiO; the Cr/(CrþAl) values of spinels are mostly 0·5^0·8, indicating equilibrium with depleted mantle.There are three petrographic groups, based on phenocryst populations: (1) cpx^olivine basalt (COB); (2) plagioclase^olivine basalt (POB); (3) porphyritic basalt. Zr/Y and Nb/Yb are higher in POB (3·1^3·2 and 1·2^1·5, respectively) than in COB (Zr/Y1⁄4 2·8^3·0 and Nb/ Yb1⁄4 0·7^0·9), suggesting that POB formed from lower degrees of mantle melting, or that the COB mantle source was more depleted. On the other hand, COB have Ba/Nb (70^80) and Th/Nb (0·4^ 0·5) that are higher than for POB (Ba/Nb1⁄4 30^35 and Th/ Nb1⁄4 0·1^0·2), and also have steeper light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched patterns. Moreover, COB have enriched Sr/Sr and Nd/Nd, and higher Pb isotope values, suggesting that COB has a greater subduction component than POB. Hf/Hf between COB and POB are similar and Hf behavior in COB and POB is similar to that of Zr,Yand HREE, suggesting that Hf is not included in the subduction component, which produced the differences between COB and POB.The calculated primary basaltic magmas of NW Rota-1 volcano (primary COB and POB magmas) indicate segregation pressures of 2^1·5 GPa (equivalent to 65^50 km depth).These magmas formed by 24^18% melting of mantle peridotite having Mg-number 89·5. Diapiric ascent of hydrous peridotite mixed heterogeneously with sediment melts may be responsible for the NW Rota-1 basalts. These two basalt magma types are similar to those found at Sumisu andTorishima volcanoes in the Izu^Bonin arc, with COB representing wetter and POB representing drier magmas, where subduction zone-derived melt components are coupled with the water contents.

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