
Generating nonclassical states of photons such as polarization entangled states on a monolithic chip is a crucial step towards practical applications of optical quantum information processing such as quantum computing and quantum key distribution. Here we demonstrate two polarization entangled photon sources in a single monolithic semiconductor waveguide. The first source is achieved through the concurrent utilization of two spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) processes, namely type-0 and type-I SPDC processes. The chip can also generate polarization entangled photons via the type-II SPDC process, enabling the generation of both co-polarized and cross-polarized entangled photons in the same device. In both cases, polarization entanglement is generated directly on the chip without the use of any off-chip compensation, interferometry or bandpass filtering. This enables direct, chip-based generation of both Bell states $(|H,H\rangle+|V,V\rangle)/\sqrt{2}$ and $(|H,V\rangle+|V,H\rangle)/\sqrt{2}$ simultaneously utilizing the same pump source. In addition, based on compound semiconductors, this chip can be directly integrated with it own pump laser. This technique ushers an era of self-contained, integrated, electrically pumped, room-temperature polarization entangled photon sources.

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