
The two-photon bound–bound (TPBB) and the two-photon bound-free (TPBF) processes are studied for the electron in the initial 1S state in the conduction band of the ZnO quantum dot (QD) embedded in the HfO2 and the AlN matrices. The energy and the wave functions of the QD are obtained by using the effective mass approximation with a finite barrier height at the dot-matrix interface. Using the second order perturbation theory results are obtained for the two-photon absorption coefficient and the photoelectric cross section. The photoelectric cross section ratio for the circularly to the linearly polarized photons is also obtained. It is observed that the two-photon processes depend significantly on the polarization of the incident beam, the dot size, and the surrounding matrix. It is found that the electric quadrupole interaction enhance the TPBF photoelectric cross section.

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