
For a wireless sensor network consisting of numerous sensors, spread over a large area with no direct power supply, energy efficiency is of paramount importance. As most power is consumed by the communication module, special attention has to be paid to reduce communication needs as much as possible. The more data is sent, the larger the power requirement of the sensor module. Preprocessing can help in reducing the amount of data to send. However, it also consumes energy. This paper focuses on this tradeoff between preprocessing, pre-filtering and preselecting of sensor data on one hand, and uploading of unprocessed and unfiltered raw data on the other hand, for the special case of protecting vineyards from starlings. The paper proposes a two-phase decision mechanism based on machine learning: the less complex first phase is executed on the microcontroller of the sensor module, while the more complex, more accurate second phase is performed in the cloud. Individual noise sensors monitor the environment, and try to detect starling songs, using a simple, SVM-based classification. These sensors are grouped into clusters, through a mechanism similar to the well-known LEACH protocol, and signal to the current cluster-head the likelihood of starling presence. If several alerts are received to justify further investigation, the cluster-head asks the node with highest starling detection likelihood to upload a one second sound sample to the cloud. There, the more complex and more accurate second phase sound matching is performed, and the actuators deployed in the field are remotely triggered, if needed.

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