
Oudart, T., Larroudé, Ph. and Bouchette, F., 2013. Two numerical approaches: 2D and 3D SPH model to simulate extreme waves over a barrier islandThe barrier islands usually erode seriously during the occurrence of typhoon, especially, when storm surge comes at the spring tide period. The high water level combined with typhoon wave run-up induces overwash on the barrier islands and pushes the barrier sand into the lagoon behind. . We tentatively characterize this natural phenomenon with numerical modeling of the propagation of water waves onto a barrier island. The modelling work is based upon 2D and 3D Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) models. The barrier island response to typhoon waves is analyzed in two different ways: 1) comparing the results from an experimentation in a wave flume with those from SPH computations performed on exactely the same barrier island morphology and the same long wave forcings; b) performing SPH computations in a real case study, i.e. the Wan Lu Tziao barrier island, south-western Taiwan (ANR KUN-SHEN program), from the shoaling zone in the open sea to the lagoon.

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