
Abstract Hechtia chichinautzensis and H. colossa, morphologically related to H. podantha and to H. tehuacana, respectively, are described and illustrated. Hechtia chichinautzensis is endemic to the Mexican state of Morelos and is distinguished from H. podantha by its flexuous and lepidote rachis, ovate-triangular primary bracts, sparsely lepidote pedicels, and brownish to blackish anthers; anatomically its leaves are characterized by their square adaxial epidermal cells with undulate walls, one or two layers of adaxial hypodermic cells, discontinuous chlorenchyma, oblong palisade cells, and the presence of raphides. Hechtia colossa , from the states of Oaxaca and Puebla, differs from H. tehuacana by its larger habit, the lepidote peduncle and primary bracts, the length of the inflorescense branches and the larger foliar sheaths, blades, and floral bracts; anatomically its leaves are characterized by their irregular adaxial epidermal cells and by the number of vascular bundles.

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