
For a vertex x ∈ V G , the temperature T x of x is defined as T x = d x /n − d x . A topological/graphical index G I is a map GI:∑→R , where ∑ (resp. R ) is the set of chemical graphs (resp. real numbers). Graphical indices are employed in structure-property & structure-activity modeling to predict physicochemical/thermodynamic/bilogical characteristics of a compound. A temperature-based graphical index of a chemical graph G is defined as GI T ≔ ∑edges f(T x , t y ), where f(T x , T y ) is a symmetric 2-variable map. In this paper, we introduce two new novel temperature-based indices known as the reduced reciprocal product-connectivity temperature (RRPT) index and the geometric-arithmetic temperature (GAT) index. The predictive potential of these indices have been investigated by employing them in structure-property modeling of physicochemical properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The normal boiling point (bp) and the standard enthalpy of formation ΔHfo are selected as representatives of physicochemical characteristics. Intermolecular & van der Waals kind of interactions have been represented by bp, whereas, ΔHfo advocates for thermal characteristics of a compound. In order to validate the statistical inference, the lower 22 PAHs have been opted as test molecules as their experimental data is also publicly available. We propose a computational method to compute all temperature indices in literature and employ it to compute them for the lower 22 PAHs. Besides all the existing temperature indices, both RRPT & GAT are used in a quality testing to predict bp and ΔHfo for lower PAHs. Our statistical analysis asserts that both RRPT & GAT outperformed all the existing temperature indices for correlating bp and ΔHfo for lower PAHs. Most appropriate data-fitting regression models have been suggested to be linear. Since RRPT has the both of correlation coefficients >0.95, the study implicates its further employability in structure-property modeling. Importantly, our research contributes towards countering proliferation of graphical indices. Applications to well-performing temperature indices to correlate physicochemical characteristics of silicon carbide nanotubes are presented.

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