
Ascocarp brown, surface conspicuously covered with small, low, polygonal papillae; veins conspicuous, whitish; cortex pseudoparenchymatous with outermost cells sometimes arranged in hyphae more or less parallel with surface of ascocarp, sometimes projecting beyond surface as hairs; pseudaparenchymatous layer changing to somewhat irregularly arranged coalescent hyphae, becoming less connected toward hymenium; thickness ot peridium 360-520o; venae internae small and inconspicuous to almost wanting, consisting of unconnected somewhat irregularly arranged hyphae, latter 4-6 t in diam.; tissue between asci of similar structure, but hyphae bordering venae externae becoming distinctly parallel, some ending at margin of vein as more or less regularly arranged, somewhat swollen-tipped paraphyses, others continuing inward to form loose, interwoven tissue filling venae externae; latter much enlarged in places, and hyphal tissue of narrower portions often breaking away, leaving empty channels through ascocarp; asci short-stipitate, semiglobose to cylindric, 72-88 by 96-I20,, I-, 2-, or 3(generally 2-) spored; spores dark-brown, ellipsoid to nearly globose, 40-52 by 48-72 t, alveolate, 4 by 5 to 7 by 8 alveoli across diameters; sculpturing 4-6/L thick.

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