
Color an almost uniform light olive gray (Ridgeway's color standard); head and tip of abdomen darker, antennal segment 3 and all tibiae and tarsi lighter except a black spot near the tips of tarsi; eyes and ocellar crescents deep red and very conspicuous. Head a little longer than wide, broadly rounded in front except for a projection of the vertex between the basal segments of the antennae; cheeks gently arched, slightly converging posteriorly, vertex smooth without bristles except the rather long (about as long as the eyes) but very slender, pointed post-oculars and two pairs of minute ones along the margins of the eyes, one directly behind and one in front of each posterior ocellus. Eyes rather small, not protruding, non pilose. Ocelli large, the posterior pair situated opposite the anterior third of the eyes, the'anterior directed forward. Mouth cone short, reaching the middle of the prosternum, and rounded at the tip. Antennae nearly twice as long as the head. Segment 2 short barrel-shaped with a broad peduncle; 3, top-shaped; 4, obovate; 5, oval; 6, cylindrical; 7, cylindrical but tapering somewhat apically; 8, conical, broadly united to 7; 3-6 with short narrow pedicels, 8 with a somewhat broader one: 1, concolorous with the head; 2, lighter at apex; 3, much lighter except extreme base (but pedicel light); 4, about concolorous with the head; 5-8, darker, deep olive gray. Bristles and sense cones short, pale and inconspicuous. Prothorax, somewhat wider than the head, shorter than the head; sides rather sharply diverging posteriorly. A rather long but pale bristle on each posterior angle, an equally long one midway between this and the median dorsal line. A pair of minute ones near middle of posterior margin. Pterothorax at the anterior margin about as wide as the prothorax (including coxae) but sides converge sharply posteriorly. Wing membrane pale gray, constricted in the middle, reaching to about the 8th abdominal segment, sparsely provided with rather long hairs, 4 inter-located ones. Legs rather short. Fore femora considerably enlarged. Fore tarsi unarmed.

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