
Two new marine sponges, Haliclona (Reniera) oceanus sp. nov. and Haliclona (Reniera) juckdoensis sp. nov. of the family Chalinidae were collected from Ieodo Ocean Research Station, Ulleung-do Island, Korea by SCUBA in 2016-2017. Morphologically distinct from each other, both species are assigned to the genus Haliclona subgenus Reniera. Haliclona (Reniera) oceanus sp. nov. is similar to H. (H.) ieoensis Kim et al. 2017 in shape, habitat, growth form, but it differs in color, ectosomal, choanosomal skeleton and spicule size. Haliclona (Reniera) juckdoensis sp. nov. is similar to H. (R.) hongdoensis Kang and Sim 2007 in habitat, ectosomal, choansomal skeleton but it differs in spicule size.

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