
Two new species, Meriania brevipedunculata and M. parvifolia, are described from Morne Formon in Parc National Pic Macaya, in the Massif de la Hotte, Haiti. These species are compared with M. involucrata, M. ekmanii, and M. squamulosa, the three species of the genus previously known from Hispaniola. All five species are endemic to Hispaniola, and all except M. involucrata are limited to the Massif de la Hotte, a region of exceptional endemism. The flora of the Massif de la Hotte is discussed briefly. In the course of field work in connection with a biogeophysical inventory of the recently es- tablished Parc National Pic Macaya in the Mas- sif de la Hotte, Haiti, the following two unde- scribed species of Meriania Sw. (Merianieae) were collected. They are described below and compared with related taxa. Both species are recorded only from the Morne Formon region, the flora of which is known mainly through the work of Erik L. Ekman (see Ekman 1928 and unpublished field notes at Stockholm; Moscoso 1943).

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