
Terrestrial, usually robust, erect herbs, 35-120 cm tall, including the inflorescence. Roots many, fleshy, hairy. Stem c. 6 mm diam., terete. Largest leaves usually more aggregated towards base, 1025 x 1 5 3 5 cm, oblong-lanceolate, acute, sheathing at base, decreasing in size and more widely spaced higher up the stem, then becoming bract-like, yellowish green. Inflorescence terminal, multiflorous, racemose; rachis 10-25 cm long; floral bracts c. 35 x 7 mm, the lowest ones usually as long as the pedicellate ovary, decreasing in size towards the apex of inflorescence. Flowers scented; pedicel 5-8 mm long; ovary c. 25 mm long, cylindrical, 3-winged, twisted at base, yellowish-green. Dorsal sepal c. 12 x 8 mm, broadly ovate, concave, strongly cucullate, dorsally keeled, acute and usually recurved at apex, usually white grading to green towards margins and base. Lateral sepals c. 14 x 7 mm, slightly concave, obliquely obovate-elliptic, acute, yellowish-green. Petals c. 10 x 4 mm, variable in shape, rectangularoblong to obovate-subfalcate, entire, usually with a hint of a lobe on the lower basal margin and a greenish fleshy longitudinal thickening in the lower half on the inner side, white. Lip tripartite from the base or with an undivided basal part up to c. 1 -5 mm long, white to yellowish-green; lateral segments variable in size, up to 8 x 1 mm, linear, spreading, fleshy; medium segment c. 20 x 2 mm, oblong-linguiform with somewhat revolute margins, fleshy, obtuse, convex; spur 35-45 x 2 mm, twisted. Column prominent, c. 6 mm high; anther curved, yellowish; anther-canals c. 8 mm long, white; stigmatic processes short, c. 3 mm

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