
Two new species of Cobitis, C. multimaculata sp. nov. and C. microcephala sp. nov. are described and illustrated from the River Nanliu and the River Beiliu, Guangxi Province, China. Cobitis multimaculata can be distinguished from congeners by its unique colour pattern of scattered, small, elongated, oval blotches on the side of the body; well developed mental lobes; and cardioid lamina circularis. It is similar to C. arenae, but can be distinguished from it by possessing a stumpy body (body depth 6.1-6.6 in standard length in males and 5.7-7.3 in females versus 7.9 in standard length in male and 7.3-9.6 in females), shorter caudal peduncle (caudal peduncle depth 1.4-1.7 of its length in males and 1.6-1.8 in females versus 2.5 in male and 2.3-3.1 in females); and 17-22 small, elongate oval blotches along lateral line (versus 20-25 spots). Cobitis microcephala can be distinguished from congeners by possessing small and solitary irregular spots scattered on the side of the body; a slender and finely serrated (16-18 serrae on the inner margin) lamina circularis; and a much smaller jet black spot on upper half of caudal-fin base

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