
Two new species of Cavernocepheus (Cavernocepheus): C. (C.) icpallitelleriani n. sp. and C. (C.) xipetoteci n. sp. are described. These species were obtained from soil and leaf litter samples of conifers, collected in the states of Michoacan and Veracruz, Mexico, respectively. Cavernocepheus (Cavernocepheus) icpallitelleriani n. sp. is distinguished from existing species by the presence of a long, pointed projection of the internal zone of the lateral notogastral condyles. Cavernocepheus (Cavernocepheus) xipetoteci n. sp. differs from Cavernocepheus (Cavernocepheus) longicristatus Ermilov, 2024 by the shape of the bothridial setae, size of the notogastral setae and shape of u setae.

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