
Cuphea (sect. Melvilla) alaniana from central Mexico and C. (sect. Diploptychia) armata from Central America are described and illustrated. The monotypic family Alzateaceae, long known from Peru an(i Bolivia, an(i more recently discov- ered in Costa Rica, Panama, an(i Colombia, is here reported from Ecuador for the first time. Of the two Ecuadorian collections, one belongs to the north- ern, broa(I-leaved Alzatea verticillata subsp. ampli- folia; the other is most similar to the southern sub- species verticillata. Apical leaf glands are a newly recognized feature of the genus. They are inter- preted as extra-floral nectaries. In revisionary studies of Cuphea, two new North American species were (tiscovere(t among collections on loan from a number of North American herbaria. Cuphea alaniana is a large-flowered perennial of section Melvilla, subsection Polyspermum (Koehne, 1903). It is one of four species of the subsection, which is endemic to the western an(t southern moun- tains of Mexico. Cuphea armata, discovered in neighboring areas of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras is a new species of section Diploptychia.

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