
This paper reports for the first time two new genera (Austrothoe and Paranexes) and four new species (Austrothoe jimlowryi-type species, A. ochos, Paranexes gallaharae, and P. yallingup-type species) of Ampithoidae (Amphipoda). The two new genera (and all four species) have only been recorded from southern Australian waters, in particular, off the coasts of southern WA, VIC, and NSW. Austrothoe can be distinguished from other ampithoid genera by having a denticulated, subrectangular telson and strongly prehensile, almost subchelate pereiopods 6 and 7. Paranexes is distinguished from other ampithoid genera by having the epistome and upper lip directed backwards, and no lateral, distal peduncular projection on the male first uropod. An updated key to the genera of Ampithoidae is also provided, as well as keys to the species within each of the new genera.

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