
A national study of the new specific assays for prostatic acid phosphatase was conducted by the National Prostatic Cancer Project. The results of the study have confirmed that the counter immunoelectrophoretic method is easily reproducible, highly specific, and sufficiently sensitive. Based on tests as performed by different institutions, the counterimmunoelectrophoretic (CIEP) method was also shown to have high reproducibility and was found to be of much greater sensitivity than the conventional biochemical methods for the detection of earlier stages of prostatic cancer. The national study of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) has shown that although being a highly sensitive method, it could not be readily distributed at this time from one specialized center. It requires highly specific, expensive technical assistance and is not yet available nationwide. CIEP is recommended at this time to be used as the preferred method in the evaluation and diagnosis of prostatic cancer. The value of counterimmunoelectrophoresis in detecting early prostatic cancer as a screening method is promising, but still under study.

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