
Two new <em>Blennidus</em> (<em>Agraphoderus</em>) species are described from the Andes of Peru: <em>B. (A.) fitzcarraldi</em> n. sp., from San Luis, Huachucocha lagoon, and from Punta Olimpica pass (Dept. of Ancash), and <em>B</em>. (<em>A</em>.) <em>abditus</em> n. sp., from the route Pampas-Huancavelica (Dept. of Huancavelica). A Neotype is designated for <em>Feronia meticulosa</em> Dejean, 1831 on historical material compared with the type by Chaudoir. The examination of the type material of <em>Ogmopleura</em> <em>filicornis</em> Straneo, 1993 and <em>Ogmopleura</em> <em>bordoni</em> Straneo, 1993 (both wrongly described from Peru based on a misinterpretation of the locality labels) compared with the Neotype of <em>Feronia</em> <em>meticulosa</em> Dejean, 1831 (described from Chile) revealed the following new synonymies: <em>Ogmopleura</em> <em>filicornis</em> Straneo, 1993 = <em>Feronia</em> <em>meticulosa</em> Dejean, 1831 syn. nov.; <em>Ogmopleura</em> <em>bordoni</em> Straneo, 1993 = <em>Feronia</em> <em>meticulosa</em> Dejean, 1831 syn. nov.

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