
Effective population size is a key parameter in population ecology because it allows prediction of the dynamics of genetic variation and the rate of genetic drift and inbreeding. It is important for the definition of "nearly neutral" mutations and, hence, has consequences for the fixation or extinction probabilities of advantageous and deleterious mutations. As graph-based population models become increasingly popular for studying evolution in spatially or socially structured populations, a neutral theory for evolution on graphs is called for. Here, we derive formulae for two alternative measures of effective population size, the variance effective and inbreeding effective size of general unweighted and undirected graphs. We show how these two quantities relate to each other and we derive effective sizes for the complete graph the cycle and bipartite graphs. For one-dimensional lattices and small-world graphs, we estimate the inbreeding effective size using simulations. The presented method is suitable for any structured population of haploid individuals with overlapping generations.

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