
[Abridged] We have recently reported on the collapse and fragmentation properties of the northernmost part of this structure, located ~2.4pc north of Orion KL -- the Orion Molecular Cloud 3 (OMC 3, Takahashi et al. 2013). As part of our project to study the integral-shaped filament, we analyze the fragmentation properties of the northern OMC 1 filament. This filament is a dense structure previously identified by JCMT/SCUBA submillimeter continuum and VLA ammonia observations and shown to have fragmented into clumps. We observed OMC1 n with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 1.3mm and report on our analysis of the continuum data. We discovered 24 new compact sources, ranging in mass from 0.1 to 2.3, in size from 400 to 1300au, and in density from 2.6 x 10^7 to 2.8 x 10^6 cm^{-3}. The masses of these sources are similar to those of the SMA protostars in OMC3, but their typical sizes and densities are lower by a factor of ten. Only 8% of the new sources have infrared counterparts, yet there are five associated CO molecular outflows. These sources are thus likely in the Class 0 evolutionary phase yet it cannot be excluded that some of the sources might still be pre-stellar cores. The spatial analysis of the protostars shows that these are divided into small groups that coincide with previously identified JCMT/SCUBA 850 micron and VLA ammonia clumps, and that these are separated by a quasi-equidistant length of ~30arcmin (0.06pc). This separation is dominated by the Jeans length, and therefore indicates that the main physical process in the filament's evolution was thermal fragmentation. Within the protostellar groups, the typical separation is ~6arcsec (~2500\,au), which is a factor 2-3 smaller than the Jeans length of the parental clumps within which the protostars are embedded. These results point to a hierarchical (2-level) thermal fragmentation process of the OMC1n filament.

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