
Analog/Digital conversion of up to 16 channels can be set up and executed interactively with sampling rates individually adjusted for each channel. Additionally, asynchron and parallel digital I 0 is provided, including the possibility of triggering the beginning and the end of data acquisition on an external TTL signal. For non-experienced personnel the package can be run fully interactively with help-menus. Conversely, the experienced user can skip the menu level and directly access the A D conversion card at the programmers' level in FORTRAN, BASIC or PASCAL. This two level approach considerably enhances the versatility of the package. Data structures in memory and on disk are the same for both levels. Thus, data acquired in menu mode can be compatibly accessed and evaluated from the menu—as well as the programmers' level. Furthermore, a concept is presented for a most efficient and convenient transfer of pre-processed data onto an IBM-mainframe for further analysis in SAS. This transfer scheme allows for continued transparency of the data files, should—for technical reasons or due to changes in the type of data acquired—changes or upgradings of the A D conversion software become necessary. The package is available for IBM-XT AT personal computers.

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