
We present two different but related Lagrange multiplier based domain decomposition (DD) methods for solving iteratively large-scale systems of equations arising from the finite element discretization of high-frequency exterior Helmholtz problems. The proposed methods are essentially two distinct extensions of the regularized finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI) method to indefinite or complex problems. The first method employs a single Lagrange multiplier field to glue the local solutions at the subdomain interface boundaries. The second method employs two Lagrange multiplier fields for that purpose. The key ingredients of both of these FETI methods are the regularization of each subdomain matrix by a complex lumped mass matrix defined on the subdomain interface boundary, and the preconditioning of the global interface problem by a coarse second-level problem constructed with planar waves. We show numerically that both methods are scalable with respect to the mesh size, the subdomain size, and the wavenumber, but that the FETI method with a single Lagrange multiplier field – labeled FETI-H (H for Helmholtz) in this paper – delivers superior computational performances. We apply the FETI-H method to the parallel solution on a 24-processor Origin 2000 of an acoustic scattering problem with a submarine shaped obstacle, and report performance results that highlight the unique efficiency of this DD method for the solution of high frequency acoustic scattering problems.

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