
Introduction. In the modern world, the development of scientific, technical and technological potential is the most important attribute of the sustainable social and economic situation of the state and society. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin “On National Purposes and Strategic Development Challenges of the Russian Federation for the Period to 2024”, a project is being implemented to create safe and high-quality roads. In the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 10 of 23.03.2005 “On Measures to Strengthen Transport Supervision and Reduce Its Influence on Public Health”, it is stated motor vehicles to create acoustic discomfort in eighty percent of the territories of large cities. The proportion of the population living on the territory with an excess of hygienic standards by 5-30 dB is up to 60% (about 34 million people). Material and methods. To study the current state of the acoustic situation on the ground, noise measurements were made in accordance with the current methodological guidelines for monitoring noise in the residential area, in residential and public buildings and premises. Results. The article presents the results of laboratory-instrumental noise measurements in the area of residential development in the zone of influence of the highway, where a unique bridge construction with the organization of movement in two levels was created. Discussion. The results of laboratory-instrumental measurements of sound levels confirm the need for the detailed development of noise protection measures and can be associated with errors in the design of this road and the effects of multiple reflections (when the source of noise is not a particular car, but the highway itself). At the same time, noise shields installed on both the highway and the terrain in this version show their low efficiency. Conclusions. When designing multi-level bridge structures and calculating the planned level of noise impact, it is necessary to take into account the effects of multiple reflections.

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