
The two-step contagion model is a simple toy model for understanding pandemic outbreaks that occur in the real world. The model takes into account that a susceptible person either gets immediately infected or weakened when getting into contact with an infectious one. As the number of weakened people increases, they eventually can become infected in a short time period and a pandemic outbreak occurs. The time required to reach such a pandemic outbreak allows for intervention and is often called golden time. Understanding the size-dependence of the golden time is useful for controlling pandemic outbreak. Using an approach based on a nonlinear mapping, here we find that there exist two types of golden times in the two-step contagion model, which scale as and with the system size on Erdős-Rényi networks, where the measured is slightly larger than . They are distinguished by the initial number of infected nodes, and , respectively. While the exponent of the -dependence of the golden time is universal even in other models showing discontinuous transitions induced by cascading dynamics, the measured exponents are all close to but show model-dependence. It remains open whether or not reduces to in the asymptotically large- limit. Our method can be applied to several models showing a hybrid percolation transition and gives insight into the origin of the two golden times.

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