
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce two general schemes of algebraic cryptography. We show that many of the systems and protocols considered in literature that use two-sided multiplications are specific cases of the first general scheme. In a similar way, we introduce the second general scheme that joins systems and protocols based on automorphisms or endomorphisms of algebraic systems. Also, we discuss possible applications of the membership search problem in algebraic cryptanalysis. We show how an efficient decidability of the underlined membership search problem for an algebraic system chosen as the platform can be applied to show a vulnerability of both schemes. Our attacks are based on the linear or on the nonlinear decomposition method, which complete each other. We give a couple of examples of systems and protocols known in the literature that use one of the two introduced schemes with their cryptanalysis. Mostly, these protocols simulate classical cryptographic schemes, such as Diffie–Hellman, Massey–Omura and ElGamal in algebraic setting. Furthermore, we show that, in many cases, one can break the schemes without solving the algorithmic problems on which the assumptions are based.

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