
Let $H(\mathbb{C})$ be the set of all entire functions endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets. Let $\lambda,b\in\mathbb{C}$, let $C_{\lambda,b}:H(\mathbb{C})\to H(\mathbb{C})$ be the composition operator $C_{\lambda,b} f(z)=f(\lambda z+b)$, and let $D$ be the derivative operator. We extend results on the hypercyclicity of the non-convolution operators $T_{\lambda,b}=C_{\lambda,b} \circ D$ by showing that whenever $|\lambda|\geq 1$, the collection of operators \begin{align*} \{\psi(T_{\lambda,b}): \psi(z)\in H(\mathbb{C}), \psi(0)=0 \text{ and } \psi(T_{\lambda,b}) \text{ is continuous}\} \end{align*} forms an algebra under the usual addition and multiplication of operators which consists entirely of hypercyclic operators (i.e., each operator has a dense orbit). We also show that the collection of operators \begin{align*} \{C_{\lambda,b}\circ\varphi(D): \varphi(z) \text{ is an entire function of exponential type with } \varphi(0)=0\} \end{align*} consists entirely of hypercyclic operators.

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